The emPOWERed Half Hour

The Evolution of Success with CEO, Donnie Boivin

Becca Powers / Donnie Boivin Season 1 Episode 62

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What pivotal moment in your life has inspired you to follow your true passion?

In this episode of The EmPOWERed Half Hour, Becca has an insightful conversation with Donnie Boivin, the CEO of Success Champion Networking and the visionary force behind the Badass Business Summit. 

From his humble beginnings as a blue-collar kid, growing up with a strong work ethic but limited opportunities, to becoming the leader of a thriving B2B networking empire, Donnie has consistently defied the odds. 

Donnie shares the raw, unfiltered truth about the challenges he faced in launching his business, including the moments of self-doubt and the risks that nearly broke him. But more importantly, he reveals the powerful lessons he’s learned along the way—lessons about grit, perseverance, and the importance of staying true to your vision, no matter the obstacles.

Key Moments You Won't Want to Miss:

  • Defining Turning Points: Donnie recounts the moment a conversation with his business partner revealed he was chasing someone else’s dream, sparking his decision to pursue his vision.
  • Overcoming Early Setbacks: Hear how a non-compete agreement nearly derailed Donnie’s startup, testing his perseverance and leading to critical lessons in handling unforeseen obstacles.
  • Lessons from Resilience: Discover how Donnie's journey from almost losing his farm to creating a successful networking empire underscores the power of resilience and the importance of building a business on the side.

About Donnie:

Donnie Boivin serves as the CEO of Success Champion Networking and is the Founder of the Badass Business Summit. He is a top podcaster and 5-time best-selling author. Motivated by a desire to transform the landscape of networking, Donnie established business-to-business networking groups across North America. 

Now, with hundreds of members they have created a business that is more than a community; it is a support system. SCN is a B2B business community that recognizes networking as a vital driver of growth and success. We are dedicated to providing our members with the essential support, a thriving community, and valuable education to ensure their B2B success.

Connect with Donnie Boivin: 

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Note: We use AI transcription so there may be some inaccuracies

Becca Powers: Welcome to another episode of the empowered half hour. And I am so thrilled to bring you today's guest. His name is Donnie Boven and he is the CEO of Success Champion Networking and is the founder of the Badass Business Summit. All things like just the Badass Business Summit, like those words I love. 

Donnie Boivin: I just want to go, 

Becca Powers: but I want to tell the listeners how we met.

And then I want to, give it over to you for a little bit more of an introduction to yourself, but listeners, I met, Donnie from a former guest, Kate Bowman, and I really enjoyed the conversation. We just had about 30 minutes of it. I get to know you, but. He's built a very successful business. And I don't think that you have the most typical background.

Cause I know you've been in the military, you were in sales and now you there, you you, help other people build up their businesses. I really love the non traditional path, but also everything that you had to go through to become who you are today. So Donnie, welcome to the show. 

Donnie Boivin: Oh, my honor, Becca.

I dude, it took me a second to remember some of our conversation was I did it. It was awesome. You are a fricking powerhouse girl, to be able to accomplish and do the things that you've done and continue to do, you're the kind of people I love hanging out with. So thanks for having me on. This is going to be a blast.

Becca Powers: Oh yeah. It's going to be great. So let's talk about, so you're the CEO of your networking company and you also are the founder of a business, summit. And I know because I got connected to you through a CEO friend that you're impacting a lot of people out there, but how did you get to be the Donnie that is doing all these things today?

let's get into your backstory. 

Donnie Boivin: Yeah. I, blinked my eyes really fast, made a wish and was instantly successful. I 

Becca Powers: know so many people are like, how do you do this? And I'm like, it's been a long journey. Okay. 

Donnie Boivin: I'll give you the kind of the fun background. I had 25 years of sales guy, and, almost 20 of those years were spent selling for other people.

And, my last career, I picked up partner in a sales training company. And I was, I turned 40 before I even knew that you could start your own business. I'm just a blue collar kid. You work, you get a job, you retire. my last business partner and I, we didn't have a falling out. We had a wild conversation that led to the ultimate, catalyst for me to jump out on my own.

I think it's important for your listeners to hear the story, but we went out to dinner and we were talking about the buyout and it was a multimillion, multi seven figure buyout over a few years and I was going to take over the company. During that dinner, he said something to me that forever changed my, outlook on life, my view of everything.

And what he said to me was, Donnie, thank God you're my retirement plan. Now he said it out of love and your reactions, what everybody does when I tell this story, my instant response to the guy was, dude, it's been my honor. I love working for you. He's, we're still great friends, right? But after that dinner, I went and sat in my truck and as I'm sitting in my truck, I'm I literally am looking at myself in the rear view mirror and go, dude, what the fuck is the matter with you?

You are literally somebody else's retirement plan. And I looked over my entire life and that's all I been was somebody else's retirement plan. I wasn't the guy that chose a career path to go learn skill sets. No, I just took every job that was put in front of me and I just happened to be really good at it, so I had not really explored life, figured out what the hell I wanted to be when I grew up or anything.

At that moment, sitting in my truck, I gave myself an ultimatum. And the ultimatum was simply this. You either live the life you're living or you get in the game and you launch a company and quit dreaming that there's something better out there. You can't do both, right? Do one or the other. Cause I kept thinking, man, could I do something bigger and more badass out there for myself?

Or do I just need to own this life? Great life, making great money, doing great things. which path was I going to choose? I couldn't turn off the dream. So 15 days later, I launched my company. 

Becca Powers: Oh 

Donnie Boivin: my gosh. That's quick. Yeah. I moved fast. I'm typically a fairly fast decision maker. I don't always make the right decisions, but I make it fast.

The whirlwind of life happened from that moment because 24 hours after launching my company, and it wasn't my business partner that did this to me. it was a company we worked for in conglomerate. I was slapped with a non compete that I don't remember signing. So I had full intent of launching my own sales training company and thank God that new non compete law just went they don't matter anymore.

saves the guys like me. But, I You know, only thing I knew was sales. That was my background. I had full intent on launching a sales training organization. My, my wife and I had built our dream farm. I built a second house and a property for my mother in law to live. we were living a fun life and now I found myself, I.

I left a great job on my own, launched a company, and now I can't launch the company I tried to launch. I couldn't talk about sales, management, business development, anywhere in the world. And that's all I knew. So I had no idea what the hell my company was. So it was, it felt like I had just gotten fired.

Because instantly no income. So I'm like, I'm a sales guy. I've been primarily straight commission my entire life. I'll figure this shit out. six months of trying to figure this out, my wife's Jeep was repossessed. We almost lost a farm to foreclosure, which means we would have lost our house and my mother in law's house.

My wife, graciously, she cashed in her 401k. to get her Jeep back, save the farm. But that was our last lifeline. I'd already cashed in my 401k to try and sustain the lifestyle we had, and we went from that moment and that's the stuff we can really dive into. But I went from that moment to now being the CEO of Success Champions Networking, where we run business to business networking groups all throughout North America, five bestselling books.

Pretty cool podcast in a partridge in a pear tree. 

Becca Powers: there's so, much in that, but during our pre talk before we went live, I was just saying that, we have a lot of high achievers as listeners on here that, some people are entrepreneurs, some people are working full time and an entrepreneur and some people are still just dreaming the dream, but they're scared to launch.

And that's why I really wanted to have you on the show, because I think that there's a realness to your story. It's not picture perfect. through, and that's not really how it works anyway, but I would love for you to share with the listeners, maybe what is a lesson or two that you learned through going through that experience that you would want to share with them?

Donnie Boivin: one, I would tell anybody to never quit whatever the hell you're doing to launch a business, go build the business up on the side. And then once the business is sustainable and the only reason I couldn't do that is I was opening up a direct competition for the company I was leaving. so, I could not in conscious faith try and sell two companies, but I would tell anybody that the, second thing is if you've never run a business. And you're launching a business, get ready to realize, Jack shit about anything about running a business. Because I thought being a straight commission sales guy, that being a business owner was going to be a cakewalk.

let me tell you it's anything, but, you don't, entrepreneurs are crazy and I'm not even sure I fully commit myself to being an entrepreneur. I'm really more of a business owner type guy, people that do this. We literally wake up every day knowing that we're gonna get punched in the face and it's like smile and let's go again.

one day you're gonna be sitting on top of the freaking, everything's great. And then the next day you're like, why the fuck am I still doing this? I have to constantly remind myself, dude, you signed up for this shit, as you're going through it. And I think, you have to really step back and ask yourself, why the hell did Are you actually going to do something like this?

And it can't be to, make more money. It can't be, to, prove that you're somebody it's a hundred percent gotta be a mission driven thing you're trying to fricking accomplish. 

Becca Powers: I love that you said that. I just want to geek out on that for a second because I feel that, people call me crazy too, because I work full time, but I still have so much passion behind what I do.

And then I have a, a speaking and writing career. sales training business and, but it's not, I'm not doing it because. It's how I make money. there is passion and purpose and there's something in that entrepreneur spirit that too, when you were talking, that made me want to talk about this for a second.

But you all, once that mission starts burning inside you, you can't turn it off. Like I couldn't turn it off if I wanted to. And I think that there's probably some dreamers. that would be listening to this episode thinking wow, I've had this idea in my head for two or three years. It just keeps cycling and it's very meaningful to them, but there, there's a fear to them as far as breaking out.

What would you say to that listener? 

Donnie Boivin: Jump, and a hundred percent good. And here's why. I never thought my company was going to be, the, company that it is. I really thought I was going to end up even beyond the non compete. do nothing but sales training. I thought that's where we're going to be, but networking has always been a part of my career, man.

It's how I built, and sold hundreds of millions of dollars, over my lifetime and the likes, and it became around evolved relationships and networking. I didn't want to run a networking company where I brought people together and taught them how to network and let them grow their business.

I just not wasn't the business that I wanted to do. And for me, the day I decided we're going to launch networking groups, I was telling my wife this kind of same thing. Hey, I don't want to watch networking. I don't be the guy that's associated with that. networking, right? and I just thought anybody who taught networking with just some broke asshole that doesn't know how to sell, right?

that's the methodology ahead of my head. And my wife's the one who slapped me upside the head. And what she said to me, she goes, Donnie, why don't you become the guy that changes the way the world networks and gets them to rethink everything. Ooh, see 

Becca Powers: that's deep. 

Donnie Boivin: That's what 

Becca Powers: you're talking 

Donnie Boivin: about.

And that's the catalyst. so if something for your listeners keeps popping up in their head, Nick keeps coming to the forefront, There's something really there. You need to figure out what is the mission behind that, thing, because there's a reason it keeps coming up, right? There's a reason it keeps coming to the surface.

And what's funny is it took me two and a half years after I launched my company to actually get to the networking groups. The idea, I almost bought a networking franchise. I almost bought into a networking company. there was just a lot of things along the way that kept pointing me back to running networking, and just for everybody's clear, this is not an MLM or anything like this is legitimate business, but, The, and I don't want to, and I'm not a woowoo guy by any stretch of the imagination, but the universe sure has a weird ass way of bringing things back up on a R at the pace. Yeah. That's sometimes that's what I, say the universe be vering right now. I'm like, I don't know what's happening, but something's happening and I'm aware.

Yeah. It's not some magical, mystical, But, if shit keeps coming up, there is something behind that saying, dude, go that direction. And, once I finally had the courage to listen and then act, it became the foundation for everything. it's wild. 

Becca Powers: Yeah. There's, so there's another part of this that I think is really interesting to explore if you're okay going down another rabbit hole with me is evolution.

Yep. If you don't start. You don't know, and what you think might happen may not actually be the thing that happens, but if you don't go through the process, you can't get to what it's supposed to be. Like how you said, you didn't know you went to go start a sales training business, and then you ended up, founding a networking business to business group.

Different than all the rest, right? Yep. but so many people are so focused on the outcome that they think they going to get to that. They're afraid to take that step. And all I can say is from my own experience is that. Nothing you think is going to happen is going to happen, or maybe just a fraction of it.

And it's in the evolution that clarity happens, that more purpose exposes itself. So I'd love for you to geek out on that for a little bit if you don't mind. 

Donnie Boivin: Yeah, a hundred percent. And I love this because I don't get to talk about this as often. So thank you. it's interesting. The idea of jumping in and starting things is truly beautiful.

The evolution comes from going beyond. Where most people quit. And let me explain this. So what happens to most people is they get this beautiful idea. They're going to try something. So let's say, I don't know, they want to start a podcast. What happens to a lot of people is they left a successful career and they think the podcast is going to be the thing that allows them to get where they want to go.

So they launch a podcast, they get a few guests, and then they got to edit the episodes and then they got to get some more guests and then they put out the show, then they got to market the show. And somewhere along the way, they start going, damn, this is hard. This is harder than I thought it was going to be.

This is more hard than I think I want to do. So you know what? We're going to put the podcast to the side. I'm going to launch a YouTube channel cause I think that would just be easier. So like now they'll just record themselves and go. So now they sit down, they record and then they got to edit. Then they got a post and then they got a market and then they're like, you know what?

This is harder than I thought I want to do. So let's not do the YouTube, right? Let's become a blog writer. I think a blog writer is gonna be the answer. So now they go back and they start writing a blog and then they're like, Oh, I got to come up with content. Oh crap. Now I got to edit shit. I got a market.

This is it. You know what? Let's screw the blog. I'm going to become a book author because I think a book author is going to be the thing. And what happens to most people is they don't allow them to actually Evolve that what they do is every time they get stacked up against it. They throw in the towel and go and pivot and try something else.

Anybody who's found some sort of success is because the moment it got hard, they smiled and leaned in because they knew that's when the good shit happens, right? You start learning from the crap that you're going through and applying that learning and the distance between unsuccessful and successful is inches.

Because it's the people that continue to push on. And I tell everybody being an entrepreneur just means you were too dumb to quit because logic says you've been throwing the towel a long time. Logic says, go back and get a damn job. logic says, why the hell would you put yourself through this and the people that will endure, And being an entrepreneur, it's an endurance game. The people that endure are the ones that learn as they go through it. I don't think people fail. I think life is one big experiment. If life is one, a big experiment, you're experimenting, you're not fucking things up. That experiment didn't work. So you try it again.

You've applied different principles. You look at it from a different angle and you continue to go smile and know you're going to get punched in the face, learn to duck that punch. Then you'll catch an uppercut, learn to get out of the way of the uppercut. Then you'll catch a hook and it's going to keep coming.

But as long as you keep applying those learnings, you force yourself to evolve. That's where everybody wins, and that's how winning is done. 

Becca Powers: That was awesome. I love that whole conversation so much. That's like music to my ears because it's it's just so true. and I love that you said the difference between failure and success is inches.

Because it really, is just about that, little bit extra and not giving up, that gets you over the line. So I do want to pivot and ask you another question 

Donnie Boivin: now. 

Becca Powers: all So what is a current aha or. something like that's up for you if you have one or two. Yeah. 

Donnie Boivin: So I'm really, so I'm, Amy Cuddy.

She's got one of the most famous Ted talks or is on power poses. Phenomenal, Ted talk. She wrote a book called presence and I am only a quarter away into this book, but she's got something in there that has me fucking fascinated. And what she says is everybody's throwing around this word authentic and you've got to be authentic and you're going to be authentically yourself.

And what she says in the book Is there is no authentic self. There's only authentic in the moment because that authentic self changes depending on the situation you're in. And I'm flabbergasted by this entire idea because I really want to be the guy that's raw and will tell the shitty side of the business.

So people can really understand what it takes to get there. I've been trying to document my journey, this entire ride. And every time I'm screwing things up, I try and put it out there. And for me, that was my authentic side of. things, but I thought I'm not that same guy in every situation when I heard Amy say this, right?

I'm one guy when I'm in on stages in front of audiences, whatever else. And it's not that I'm pulling on the show. I'm authentic as I can be in that moment. 

Becca Powers: And you're pulling that part of your persona. Like you 

Donnie Boivin: said, 

Becca Powers: it's, like that. I'm a, sales champion at work. So president's club type that, I have.

Skills and stuff. I'm very authentic in that role. But if you put me in the role of Kundalini teacher, which I'm also Kundalini yoga teacher. It's really different, but both role roles are authentic. So I love that example. That's cool. 

Donnie Boivin: And because I think people look at authentic as this blanket, statement of this is how you have to be all the time.

And, I keep going back to I LinkedIn. It's my favorite platform. I'm all over it, and I let people in my world, but nobody gives a shit what you had for breakfast. So it's about, how are you showing up? And the whole point of her book is this idea of presidents of presence, not president presence.

So, if you understand what authentic you means in the moment, You can establish trust and confidence, which allows you to create presence. And you think about it from a sales position. You think about it from a leadership position, everything's done off a trust and we buy from people that we actually trust way beyond right?

so it's the idea of knowing who you are and what's authentic for you in a moment, and that authentic may be nervous as fuck. Because you're in a situation you haven't been in before, right? It's taking you completely out of it, but it's knowing you're nervous and being okay with it, which is the twist of it all.

and so I'm really, fascinated with this, idea. And then the second thing is standing for something. I think we live in such a vanilla world that if you don't stand for something in this day and age now, if you work for other people, it's a lot harder to stand on certain things you want to stand on.

But I'm learning more and more that the further I stand in my beliefs and put my beliefs out there, the more I attract my tribe, my people, and the people that I want to be hanging around. 

Becca Powers: I couldn't agree more. And it's, funny because, in my news book too, it's a return to radiance, but it, the, concept is basically like, We have our radiant self that is full of our own uniqueness, our gifts, our strengths, our talents.

And when we suppress them, we disconnect from ourselves. And, but when we nurture them, we become more of ourselves and like this authentic thing that you're talking about, but also within that expression, Is where we make, when we are in our truest nature and we're nurturing and cultivating who we are, we make an impact.

Our work turns into just work. It turns into a legacy. 

Donnie Boivin: Yep. 

Becca Powers: And when you say take a stand, like people are like develop weaknesses. I'm like, that is brilliant. Cause 

Donnie Boivin: your weakness 

Becca Powers: will always be your weak. and sometimes you do have to nurture the things that aren't good. So your skill gets a little better, but listen, like I'm never going to be a good tennis player.

Like it's just never going to happen. Just never going to happen. And then some people are like, they're already your strengths. I'm like, but we might have natural strengths, gifts, and talents, but. Mastering them as a different thing. Investing in yourself, bringing them to the surface. That's what the world needs more of.

So anyway, that's one of my stances that I'm actually lean into more of you, invest in more of you and then share it. 

Donnie Boivin: Yeah, I think more, I would save over a lot over the years. I did not know the dude in the mirror. and I didn't invest enough in myself to figure the who out. Who that guy was running a business has been a hell of a catalyst for meeting the dude in America's You're gonna find out what the hell you're made of Right and I was watching a movie over the weekend that and there was one line in this movie that just got me to pause and the movie's called the beautiful game and it's literally about the Homeless World Cup in 80 countries around the world bring homeless people together and do this homeless world cup A soccer world cup match.

It is the craziest thing ever started back in 2021 and great movie, but there's one line in the movie that just got me to pause and the, main, one of the main characters was professional soccer player that didn't make it to the, like the world cup teams and all that. And so he made it just halfway, but his entire life was lived on Soccer.

That was what he was known for. And he thought he was one of the greatest in the world, but he actually wasn't good enough to be one of the greatest in the world. And he never made it to that pinnacle, and because he didn't, his whole life spiraled out of control, and he found himself freaking homeless, right?

She says this that is just such, it hit me hard. She's looking at him, and he's down on his luck, and a moment in the movie, And it's actually a nun talking to him, and she goes, whatever his name is, what surprises me most is you played football your entire life. And like in his whole life, his whole first half of his life was just football and on that.

And what she says is, and you've never realized that football has two halves. And I was like, holy shit. And, I was sitting, I'm like, holy shit. Most people are still living that first half life. They're still living that touchdown pass that one fucking sales award that fuck. And they're not even looking at what is my second half.

And so even my post on LinkedIn this morning was all about this. And I'm like, are you actually living the second half of your life? And I was like, I 

Becca Powers: have to go check that out. Yeah. I love that message so much because it, just reminds me of where the concept and why I felt really passionate about writing this book.

I had a really unique childhood and I was raised by full time musicians. I was born into a musical family and my parents were hippies, sex, drugs, rock and roll. It was actually really fucking cool. Like I grew up like in guitars and bonfires and a damn good time. Everybody was, joyful and laughing and.

What I didn't realize then is that I, what I was seeing is people in their essence, in their gifts and skills and, when they were like radiating. 

And, my, my dad is specifically was an amazingly guitarist can play David Gilmore, Jimmy Page, all this stuff like flawlessly.

but both my parents have passed away. And what I noticed, and it goes to the second half is like their first half, they were. Pursuing to become full time musicians and become famous. And when that didn't happen, they ended up disconnecting from themselves, from other people, from the universe. And, what I witnessed was more painful than anything because I witnessed them dem out literally and figuratively until they passed away.

And it was just like, they didn't have to be famous. To make a difference to, develop what, and to stay true to what was meaningful to them. And so I really liked that you shared that story because, for listeners, like there's a bigger message that we're saying here is that. there's one, one aspect where you might have this dream that's current, like reoccurring in your head.

and we're really encouraging you to, follow that and to follow those breadcrumbs because the evolution may take you somewhere magnificent. 

Donnie Boivin: Yeah. And 

Becca Powers: then there's another thing we're saying here is that maybe you were a star athlete, or maybe there's some other, something that you were, or something else that fascinates you or that you really enjoy.

And you don't see value because it hasn't monetized or something like that. But that might be the very thing that catapults you back into your purpose. So there's a first half and a second half. I just think that's so dope. 

Donnie Boivin: Yeah, it is. Last week or the week before. So this is a message for some reason keeps popping up for me.

one of my clients put a post out on LinkedIn and he was, in some college world series, of baseball. And, it was like a big deal for me and he was talking about it and he was bragging about it. And the way he wrote the post I, as I started to write my comment on there, I started to say, man, this is so cool.

This is so awesome. And I wanted to congratulate him on it. But then I realized that was 20 years ago for this guy, right? This is 20 years and he's still celebrating this thing. So I deleted my comment and I hadn't posted yet. And the comment I wrote was. What's your next world series? 

Becca Powers: Because, 

Donnie Boivin: and I think that's what most people do is they're still living on that one moment of life, that touchdown pass, their military career, their college career, that sales award, whatever, they're not shooting for that next thing.

And what happened to your parents, unfortunately, is what happens to a lot of people is they stop living. They don't have a purpose anymore, right? They don't have anything they're shooting for. Life is essentially over for them, right? Until they decide this is mine. imagine if your parents, and I don't want to keep bringing them into it, but imagine, that's fine.

Becca Powers: that's why I talked about it, right? 

Donnie Boivin: Imagine had they have chosen to, okay, we're not going to be famous, but what if we help the next generation become famous, right? What if we help the next round of musicians head 

Becca Powers: to toe? That's exactly what I'm talking about, and then Deeper meaning unfolds, fulfillment, satisfaction, joy, again, like life starts.

Starts feeling a lot better, man. That's freaking cool. 

Donnie Boivin: And it's going to become a lot more of my message. 

Becca Powers: Oh yeah. God, I could talk to you forever. I'm like, we have three minutes. So we're probably going to go a few minutes over because I do want to ask you more and more questions towards the listeners.

And then I want you to talk, tell us a little bit more about the, the summit. But as we like wrap up, what's an empowering message that you can share? It could be anything, but 

Donnie Boivin: so I get thrown into this kind of hustle and grind, mentality and world, and I'm all for busting your ass and getting things done.

Hard work. The right actions will outlast and do most people, but. I want people to wrap their head around this is if you found success in your past, you're going to find it in the future. you'll winners just win. It's just, the rules of the game. The trick is you can't just win. You have to go through the things you need to work and get after it. What I mean is most of us in our careers, we worked to an unhealthy work ethic, right? We busted her ass. We put in longer hours than we ever should have. So I don't want people to embrace the hustle and grind. What I want them to embrace is the idea of doing the work until the work is done.

So I run a full working farm. In addition to everything else I do, I got, dwarf Nigerian goats, turkeys, geese, chickens, they're all, all, fun kind of menagerie of animals. Every morning I have to let those damn goats out and every night I have to put them up. Seven days a week. I don't get a day off and this is by choice.

I love doing this. So what I want people to understand is chasing your life is like working a farm. There are things that you're going to have to get up and do every morning, no matter what. There's things you're going to have to do every night, no matter what. It's not about the hustle and grind.

It's about doing the things that will push your life forward, no matter what. That is the difference between where mediocre people stay mediocre and the successful freaking go is they're willing to do the things that others aren't willing to do. So that's the biggest message out there. 

Becca Powers: That's awesome.

So I'd like to, for you to tell the listeners a little bit about your summit, cause I know it's coming up in September. 

Donnie Boivin: Yeah. September 18th to the 20th is a badass business summit and the summit's really designed for people that have built their company or they're starting to build their company and they understand the ideology that people buy you.

People buy you and then they get what you sell. And I love explaining it this way. People don't know, but Tony Robbins himself, and I'm not into the jumping on coals and all the crazy shit he does. Oh, I love all that stuff. You can have it. You can have it, right? then let's go this route.

What is Tony Robbins business? 

Becca Powers: personal development, personal. 

Donnie Boivin: Yeah. Watch this shit. Tony has 105 companies to the tune of 7 billion. Oh 

Becca Powers: yeah. 

Donnie Boivin: Name one of his companies. 

Becca Powers: The only one I know is Tony Robbins because that's what I register for events for when I do go, 

Donnie Boivin: right? So what people don't understand is Tony's only job is to be the face of Tony Robbins, 

Becca Powers: right?

Donnie Boivin: People buy you and then get what you sell. So all of his conferences, all of his summits, all that stuff, I'm sure he wants to help people, but they are in a sense, The gateway to sell people into his 105 companies, right? That's how he makes his 

Becca Powers: wealth mastery, life mastery, and everything always has more next steps.

Absolutely. He's the king of platform selling. 

Donnie Boivin: Absolutely. So, what the, our conference about us business summits about is really about people by you. So it's teaching people, how do you get on more stages? How do you get on more podcasts? How do you actually dominate on LinkedIn? So I'm bringing in some of the pod top podcasters from around the world.

We're going to put them up on a panel where people get to talk to them, ask them, how do we get on your podcast? Then we're going to do a voice style setup where those same podcasters will be on the stage. You'll get a chance to pitch, to actually be on their show, and they'll be in a swivel chair. If they swivel and turn around after your pitch, You get to go on their show as a guest.

They'll be doing live podcasts while we're there as well. That's going on. Then I'm bringing in Dr. Stevie Dawn Carter, one of the top keynote speakers in the world. She'll do 90 speeches this year, and she's going to help walk you through how do you get more speaking engagements? How do you actually speak on stage to get more speaking engagements?

Then how do you actually make money from those stages? And then I've got a LinkedIn panel coming in with some of the top LinkedIn people out there. Liam Darbany, Sherry Jones, Kevin Turner, Melissa Cohen combined. They have well over 150, 000 followers and they're going to walk you through how they actually dominate on the freaking platform.

So you get a ton of exposure, amazing freaking networking experiences. With the hotel rooms are already 50 percent out, sold out. The tickets are going fast. Early bird ends the 1st of July. So it is moving extremely fast. This, for me is my world series, right? 

So, everybody has their thing they do, but, getting on the stage and being able to pour in and help as many people as possible, this is my big thing.

I'm really exoked for this year. 

Becca Powers: That's awesome. And I am sure there's a lot of listeners that will like to attend. Is it virtual or just in person? 

Donnie Boivin: So we're talking about doing virtual, depends on demand right now. we're only in person at the moment. I have the capability to live stream. Depends on how much demand goes, but they just go to badassbusinesssummit. com and they'll find all the information. Perfect. 

Becca Powers: That's what I was going to ask. We'll include it in the show notes too, listeners, so that you can sign up. Is it going to, where is it going to be held? 

Donnie Boivin: So in Fort Worth, Texas, September 18th through the 20th, and you're going to want to be there the entire time.

the speakers, you're They all stay, all the podcast people, they're there the entire event. So it's not like people come and speak, they're in the crowd with you. So you're learning right beside them and the likes, because I've been to too many summits where like the speaker flew in and then flew the fuck out and you didn't get a chance to meet them or anything like that.

No, We keep an environment where everybody's there. There's no pitch. Hey, if I wasn't 

Becca Powers: speaking that weekend, I would go. 

Donnie Boivin: hell with your speech and just come hang out with us. Get 

Becca Powers: to the keynote. Come hang out with us. awesome, Donnie. It's been a pleasure to have you on the show. I'd love to have you again at some point.

Oh, any 

Donnie Boivin: time. This is a blast. Hey, guys, if you made it this far, do me and Becca a favor. Take a screenshot wherever you're watching or listening to this. And go post it to social media with your takeaway from the episode and tag me and Becca in it. And here's what happens is, having my own show, trying to grow my own audience.

It's a lot of damn work. So if you like her content, the guests she's bringing on, whether it's this episode or any episode, Take a screenshot and post it out there. It literally lets her know this is the type of content you're looking for. and trust me, if I see the tag, she sees the tag. We will both come comment, engage, but it's the one, the best ways to give her feedback that this is the right thing.

Then, this is what you guys are looking for. 

Becca Powers: That's really cool. And we'll have it. That's, I should close with that more often. That's awesome. Cause I really want to see more, comments too. but that made me ask or want to ask what's your LinkedIn handle? 

Donnie Boivin: Donnie Boveen. So D O N B as in boy or deal in an IE B as in boy.

O I V as in Victor I N. if you want to find time with me literally on my LinkedIn profile, you can schedule a free call with me. So, if you guys want more questions, please, I'm here to help as many damn people as I can. 

Becca Powers: I really appreciate you coming on the show. Oh, 

Donnie Boivin: my honor. Thank you having me on.